Detailed Demographic Analysis

Estimating and Projecting the Need for Adult Basic Education
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)
IDSER staff estimated and projected the population in need of adult basic education services in Texas based on age, sex, race, Hispanic ethnicity, and nativity at both the state and local workforce development area levels. The data used for this project came from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey and the Texas Demographic Center's population projections. The goal of this report was to identify the population in need of adult basic education by considering factors such as English-language proficiency and educational attainment to provide a starting point for understanding the role of adult education in workforce development.

Applicability of the Nighttime Light Data as an Ancillary Tool to Estimate the Population at the County and Place Level of Texas
IDSER Report
This study explored the applicability of Nighttime Light (NTL) data as an ancillary tool to estimate the County and Place level total population in Texas for comparison purposes with the results derived by the conventional methods. In this study, NASA's yearly moonlight-adjusted NTL data were used to estimate Texas's County and two Places' (Lewis Ville and The Colony City) population. Overall, the model performs better in estimating population for densely populated counties than sparsely populated ones. The study concludes that NTL is a valuable tool for estimating the total population in high-density areas and regions where most of the population resides in urban and semi-urban settings. In conjunction with residential address, NTL works better in estimating the population at the County and Place level using the census tract-based Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression.
Community Needs Assessment

Head Start Needs Assessment
City of San Antonio (COSA)
IDSER staff provided a detailed analysis of the demographic, economic, and social characteristics of families eligible for the Head Start and Early Head Start programs within COSA's service delivery area. The analysis incorporated data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Head Start Enterprise System, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, the Texas Department of Family Protective Services, and the Texas Education Agency. Data were mapped to determine the needs of the community relative to the services provided.

Community Needs Assessment
IDSER staff conducted a Community Needs Assessment for six regional Head Start and Early Head Start Programs managed by Lutheran Social Services of the South, Inc., dba Upbring. The project included data gathering and analysis and provided a detailed analysis of the demographic, economic, and social characteristics of Head Start and Early Head Start eligible children and families. The project included an assessment of the demographic changes and economic impacts due to COVID and the workforce.
Strategic Survey and Public Engagement Solutions

Simplified Guide for Planning and Conducting Surveys
City of San Antonio (COSA)
IDSER staff designed a survey instrument guide that included standard operating procedures, tools, and resources for the City of San Antonio staff. The guide included strategies ----to increase survey response rates and enhance the quality and validity of COSA’s survey instruments and research.

Best Practices for Inclusive and Intentional Public Engagement Initiative
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
IDSER staff designed and conducted a multi-lingual online public survey for the Public Involvement Section of TxDOT’s Transportation Planning Programming Division (TPP) and released a Strategic Public Engagement Guidance report based on the survey results. The survey addressed how Texans prefer to receive information, share feedback, and participate in engagement events and included focus group discussions with respondents who volunteered to participate. The survey garnered nearly 12,000 responses, and reached a statistically valid participation goal from a wide range of target demographics: each of the three largest racial and ethnic minority groups in the state (Hispanic, Black/African American, and Asian), people with disabilities, people from low-income households, and seniors.

The Health Collaborative
Bexar County Community Health Collaborative; CI: Now
IDSER staff designed and conducted a survey about healthcare seeking and healthcare experiences before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was based on community partner input and included demographic information, self-report measures assessing various indicators such including physical and mental health, education, employment, and resource/service needs.
Transportation and Infrastructure Planning

Population Projections for Areas Along the USA-Mexico Border
IDSER Report
IDSER staff developed projections and estimates for the total population, household population, number of households, and household size for three municipalities (Guadalupe, Guerrero, and Juárez) along the U.S.-Mexico border. Data sources included the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO), and the Principales resultados por localidad (ITER). A shift-share demographic modeling approach was implemented to obtain these estimates and projections.

Impacts of Current and Future Demographic Change on Transportation Planning in Texas
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
This research focused on improving the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) planning process by examining the broad implications of demographic change for Texas' transportation system and TxDOT operations. It involved reviewing the demographic data use and needs for transportation analysis and developing user-friendly demographic data sets.

Base and Forecast Years’ Demographic Input Development for MPO’s Travel Demand Modelling
IDSER Report
IDSER staff supported the development of the base and forecast years' demographics for the travel demand modeling of two MPOs (Amarillo and Abilene). Using the 2020 block-level census count, the base year demographic inputs were created at the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) level. To develop the forecast year demography, IDSER examined the historical urban development trend at the TAZ level for those MPOs using the National Land Cover database to create future growth maps.

Filling the Transit Gaps: Unserved Urbanized Area Populations
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT); Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI)
This research project estimated the magnitude and characteristics of individuals in urban gaps in all urbanized areas in Texas. Information collected comes from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Texas Demographic Center. The research then presented case studies on various approaches used in Texas to fund and operate transit services to urban gap populations.

Predictors of Variations in Residential Water Consumption in Central Texas
IDSER Report
This research analyzed data from the San Antonio Water System, the Bexar County Appraisal District, and the American Community Survey. Findings indicate a strong association between variations in residential water consumption and both irrigation and swimming pool water used, which emphasizes a need to focus conservation efforts on higher-valued housing and residences with swimming pools and the consideration of tiered pricing.
Advanced Mapping and GIS

Interactive Data Map Dashboard
Goodwill Industries – San Antonio
IDSER staff was commissioned to compile demographic and socioeconomic profiles for Goodwill Industries of San Antonio's 24-county service region. The data were sourced from the latest U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) and encompassed information on population size, racial/ethnic composition, age, and gender distribution, population density, household income, educational attainment, poverty levels, disability statistics, labor force distribution, and income inequality. These profiles were then integrated into an interactive data map dashboard to facilitate Goodwill’s decision-making process regarding community needs.

Development and Maintenance of LTC (Long Term Care) Map Application
Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
IDSER staff developed a Long-Term Care (LTC) Map application and is maintaining socioeconomic data, information, and resources through the LTC Map application. Data files for several types of facilities are updated regularly with the most recent geospatial layer and account for new and closed facilities, facility address changes, and name changes.

TxDOT One-Stop Demographic Data Analysis Tool
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
IDSER staff designed this tool to provide users with quick and convenient access to comprehensive demographic information for Texas counties, places, Census Tracts, Urbanized Areas, and TxDOT districts. The web application includes selected data items from the Decennial Census; American Community Survey (ACS); population estimates and projections from the Texas Demographic Center; and daily vehicle miles traveled, state road network, and vehicle registration data from TxDOT. Reports can be generated on a variety of demographic topics for one or multiple, aggregated user-defined geographies available.
Socioeconomic Data Analysis for Workforce Funding Allocation

Estimated Allocation Factors for Local Workforce Development Areas
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)
IDSER staff provides annual estimates for 12 key socioeconomic factors for the Texas Workforce (TWC) Commission. These estimates are conducted at the county level and across the State's 28 Local Workforce Development Areas. They are used to allocate federal block grant funding for various workforce development program areas. The data used in the analyses comes from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, and the Texas Demographic Center's population estimates.